October 23, 2001

As you may be noticing,

As you may be noticing, there have been a few changes to the layout. Nothing major, but I wanted to make it a bit more obvious that this page contains spoilage. So 'The Whiteboard' has been replaced with 'Spoilery Speculation'.

Now for a one-time only, shameless plug...

You'll also notice a new link, the Spoiler Shop, which actually has nothing to do with Spoilers. I get one or two emails a week from people who are interested if Spoiler Slayer merchandise is on the horizon (like other sites offer) or if there is anyway they can help support the site. To be honest, it really wasn't something that I had ever expected to be asked about. I also feel a bit awkward about passing the hat around, even though the site has become a bit more expensive to run in recent days. So I'm going to do my little song and dance, and that will be it. I won't bring it up again, but you know where to go if you're interested ;D

First, on the merchandise front, I am looking into various ways I could get Spoiler Slayer and Buffy Formula shirts, mugs, mousepads, etc made. I have found a place that will do this, the concern is more over how much can I do before the Fox Lawyers come knocking on my door. It would be great to have the Spoiler Slayer credo on a mug, but since it's paraphrasing copyrighted material, I'm not sure how legal it would be to do that. However, hopefully be the end of next week, there will be site merchandise of some sort available.

There is a great way you can help support the site, and it won't cost you anything. I'm going to keep the Spoiler Shop updated with all the Buffy merchandise that is available through Amazon.com. If you do frequent Amazon, and you are buying your Buffy goods from them, please consider using the links on the Shop page to make your purchases. If you do, a portion of the sale will go to supporting the site. It doesn't cost you anything, it's more a way of Amazon thanking me for directing traffic to them.

Finally, because someone specifically asked about this option, I have placed donation boxes on the Spoiler Shop page. One through Paypal and another through Amazon. It's completely voluntary, and this is the only time I'm going to mention them. While the page does cost a bit to host and maintain, I'm more than happy to continue footing the bill. I know a lot of sites are beginning to have multiple banner or pop-up ads, or requiring that you register in order to participate in the discussion. It probably irritates me, as much as it does you. So you don't have to worry, there won't be any of that here. The page won't change based on donations, it's something that I enjoy doing immensely. Your comments and emails are reward enough.

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©2001 - 2004
Ten's Domain

"Buffy The Vampire Slayer", "Angel", and "Wonderfalls" are TM and © (or copyright) to Fox and its related entities. "Dead Like Me" is TM and © (or copyright) to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of these materials in any form is expressly prohibited. This web site, its operator and any content on this site relating these shows is not authorized by the studios or their representatives. Product and other images on this site are provided by Amazon.com, through their affiliate program. They are not intended to, nor represent a "Passing Off" of said copyrights. Any other shows or sites mentioned are TM and © (or copyright) of their respective owners.