October 11, 2001

Jen over at Fan Forum

Jen over at Fan Forum (I hate when I have to register to read boards), posted some song snippets from the Musical. Since I don't know if you'll be able to read them without registering, I'm going to post them here.

Okay, so here's the rest. Well, almost. Most of what I got is the Willow/Tara song... I'm not going to post it for now, but if you want me to, that's fine. Just let me know. And everything below is being sung. Oh, and I guess there's this new character named "Sweet" and he (I think it's a he ) has lots of parts. I was really confused at first to what Sweet was, but it's a person.

"She's getting warm -- it builds in her
She may just go up in a flash
And when she's done
Her friends can have the fun
Of sifting through the ash"

"'Cause she's drawn to the fire
She will never learn"

"'Cause she is drawn to the fire
Some people never learn"

"And she will walk through the fire and let it burn"


The gang is there, each privately (or publicly) unhappy.

"Will this do a thing to change her
Am I leaving Dawn in danger?
Is my Slayer too far gone to care?"

(to Giles)
"What if Buffy can't defeat it?"

"Beady-eyes is right -- we're needed
Or we could just sit around and glare"

They all get up to go, heading for the door --

"We'll see it through
It's what we're always here to do
So we will walk through the fire"

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