September 26, 2001

I should also mention, because

I should also mention, because I've gotten tons of mail this morning, I have the ability to read it at work (but I can't reply). For some reason our ISP doesn't let you access other POP3 servers (like the one for my site). I did receive a letter from someone who noticed that IMDB's listing for the show, has Shannen Doherty listed on the cast playing "Sarah Giles". I would not put much stock in that listing, as the writers have already stated that she won't be on the show (or they are not planning to have her on). Anyone can submit information to IMDB, and it isn't something that they check. I would seriously doubt that a bombshell like Giles having a daughter (who else could she be?), would be leaked like this. I seem to remember that at one point last year, Britney Spears was also listed, but never was on the show. Could be wrong, but I'm sticking by the original ranking for the rumor that she will be on the show as 'Confirmed False'

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