September 20, 2001

Herc over at AICN also

Herc over at AICN also echoes my thoughts on Dawn. We may also share a 'wrong on so many levels' passion for Dawn and her leather pants. ;D

Just want to take a moment and clarify a bit on the two new characters that I mentioned yesterday. My belief is that those are at best Angel spoilers, and that I highly doubt that either are true for Buffy. Both Herc and another reader emailed me with more information. It turns out that Gavin was on the show last season, as a lawyer for Wolfram & Hart. When I speculated that this is where the rumor got started, I should have mentioned that I didn't buy for a moment that he was going to be Xander's stepbrother. Herc had info on the first episode, with the vampire couple being James and Elisabeth. I knew I had read something about it somewhere, but didn't have the specifics. Either way, I doubt the spoilers about those characters (and someone else reminded me that there was already a Devon on Buffy, he was the lead singer for Dingo's)

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