September 19, 2001

Another quick note. Finally I

Another quick note. Finally I can confirm the title for Episode 1/2. TV Guide information for the first episode of Buffy (and the first two episodes of Angel) is no available.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Bargaining 120 min. Buffy's coterie copes with her death and the loss of her formidable fighting skills in the sharply written sixth-season premiere. The acclaimed series' highly publicized move from the WB to UPN, along with the uncertainty surrounding the vampire slayer's fate, have given devotees much to chew on over the summer. When last we saw Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar), she had sacrificed herself to save her sister, Dawn (Michelle Trachtenberg), from the clutches of the malevolent goddess Glory. Here, as her mourning friends try to continue her mission and hatch a plot to resurrect her, Giles (Anthony Stewart Head) contemplates a change of scenery.

60 min.
After a turbulent summer spent coping with the news of Buffy's death, Angel (David Boreanaz) returns to L.A. in the third-season opener only to run into a couple of nasty blasts from his tarnished past. While out on a routine vamp hunt, Angel happens to dust a bloodsucker (Kate Norby) from his evil Angelus days. Familiar or not, one less demon on the streets is always a good thing. Unfortunately, her boyfriend (Ron Melendez) of a couple of centuries doesn't share that sentiment---and he's prepared to take drastic measures to exact revenge. Fred: Amy Acker.

That Vision-Thing
60 min.
Cordelia's already painful visions start to have more serious physical side effects. Through telepathy, the Host attempts to track down why The-Powers-That-Be see fit to harm her. Meanwhile, the tenacious, Angel-hating servants of evil (lawyers at Wolfram & Hart) rear their ugly heads yet again. Gavin: Daniel Dae Kim. Host: Andy Hallett. Fred: Amy Acker.

Also, although it's not completely 100% confirmed, the boyfriend in episode one of Angel sounds much like the new character Blake, and Devon/Gavin could well be the character that was supposed to be Xander's Stepbrother. It looks like there may have been some confusion, and those spoilers should have been attributed to 'Angel' (I even mentioned that the Blake backstory sounded a lot like the storyline rumored for the Angel premiere).

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