September 18, 2001

Wanda had her weekly chat

Wanda had her weekly chat over at E! Online yesterday. Nothing really new, although she echoed the rumor that a major character would die (more on that in a moment). She also discussed the arrival of Amber Tamblyn, which we already knew from Shooting Location reports (She's playing Dawn's friend in the Halloween episode). While she's spoiling, it's nothing earth-shattering.

Between the hints dropped by Wanda and Herc, there is a great deal of discussion over who might die. Wanda gives a cryptic 'four-letter word' hint, which some read as either being Anya, Dawn, or Tara, while others read as 'love'. We can discount any chance that Dawn will die. If they wanted to do that, they could have easily done it last season, and she really is there for the demographics. Which leaves us with Anya and Tara. I have to think that Anya is safe, mainly because of the comedy component that she injects into the mix (much as Cordelia before her). Which means that things look bad for Tara, but that doesn't mean anything will happen. I'm still of the school that Willow is not the 'Big Bad' for the season, and that if a Scooby does go bad, Tara would be a likely candidate. Remember what happened to her mother when she turned twenty-one. Regardless of the conclusion that everyone jumped to about her family, her mother and grandmother were both witches, and Tara seems to know a lot more about black magic than she lets on. Besides, I think Amber could pull off an evil Tara that would make Vamp Willow look tame.

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