September 10, 2001

Update: Discovered that UPN now

Update: Discovered that UPN now has the promo for the Buffy Premiere on the site. I have to give them a lot of credit, they've been getting the promos up pretty fast and presenting them in a variety of formats and speeds. I can't wait to see what the new Buffy site looks like.

Got some more confirmations today, for Episode One and Episode Five.

If you've seen the Buffy/Roswell promo on UPN, there is a scene where Buffy is standing on Glory's tower. We had a shooting location report before of the tower being spotted on the lot, the promo gives us a sold confirm now.

As for Episode Five, over on, Monica posted pictures of Buffy at the construction site. Since that aspect of 'Buffy experiment with various jobs' is correct, I'm going to presume it will hold true for the Tara, Anya, and Willow portions as well and confirm that one now. Plus, it gives a lot of validity to the shooting location reports (there are now two), which means I'm going to confirm most of the spoilers about the Troika.

Over at Fanforum, Jen posted a spoiler she got from a fan (although she's very doubtful of it's accuracy) as follows...


What developed into friendship, takes a turn to something more, when the Slayer takes a beaten and battered Spike home with her after patrol, only to realize how much she really cares about him. One thing leads to another, as the two take their relationship to a new level.

Not that I'm doubting that we have Buffy and Spike togetherness in the future, but this spoiler has been rightly questioned by others (including Jen). It seems to match a fanfic of the same title, and since we have no indication of what episode this could be, I'm not going to move this one to the Spoiler Slayer page.

That's about it for now. I'm going to try and find a high-quality feed of the Roswell/Buffy promo. Not for any Buffy analysis, I'm more curious who the girl in the background of the Roswell striptease bit (yow!)

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