September 09, 2001

Originally, I was going to

Originally, I was going to discuss the following spoilers here and pretty much ignore them. However, since I saw them on three different sites this morning, I figured that I'd better add them to the Spoiler Slayer page as well. Let me just say that these are obviously false, I'm not even going to bother edit the spelling. Strangely, I believe the Spike's rival thread actually is a twist on spoilers I heard very early this Summer about Angel Season Three (Another vamp couple with ties to Angelus's gang). If you want to read the original posts and discussion that is going on the boards, the two sites I'll mention are the Buffy Cross and Stake and the Kitten Board. There is a bit of the truth in some of the spoilers, for example I think that MT has always had a stunt double. Likewise, we've heard hints that some kind of truth spell is involved with the musical, and various character who may cast it.

  • Anyanka will appear atleast 4 times this season
  • Dawn will follow Buffy's footsteps by fighting Vampires while Buffy is dead. Willow is the only one who knows about Dawn fighting, and Willow says she was with Dawn to make it safe by puttin a spell on her, or something like that...
  • Dawn will not have any special powers this season, but she will be fighting a little (Joss hired a stunt double for her this summer)
  • Tara and Willow brake up for several episodes (that one most people already know)
  • Clare Kramer has been casted for one episode. I am guessing it will be in a flash back since I cant see her being another big bad, Joss wouldn't do that.
  • Vampire Willow and Vampire Xander, and Anyanka will all be in an episode together... I heard (Dawn maybe)someone does a true colors spell...
  • Two recurring characters have been casted, one named Devon (a guy) and one named Blake(a male vampire, Spikes friend), I know a story line for Blake, who had brown hair, and is the total opposite of Spike (not sure what that means). Well anyway Blake will only be in three episodes and will apprently have something to do with Spike's life as a human. Blake was Spikes rival as a human, so I am guessin that he will be his vampire rival now... not too sure botu this character but he has already been casted. Also Devon will be in only one episode but will be a huge character. I think he is suppose to be Xander's step brother or something like that?
  • The band Linkin Park will be featured in an episode, just as singers in the bronze, but they will be performing in important episode where the entire Buffy universe will shift.

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