September 07, 2001

New spoilers on AICN. Herc

New spoilers on AICN. Herc reports that in the Halloween episode, Dawn will follow in Buffy's footsteps (but not in regards to her Slayer powers). We'll also find out a bit more about why Dawn filched Anya's earrings. More information on the Halloween episode also popped up at the Kitten board, as it was reported that Dawn will get her first kiss. The object of her affection is a senior named Justin.

This thread led me back to the Bloody Awful Poet Society, where Wendy has further spoilers on the Halloween episode. Those details mesh with what Herc has mentioned, essentially Justin is a vampire and the episode ends with Buffy and Spike breaking up a vampire lovefest, which leads to a Buffy and Dawn discussion (read: argument) about dating vampires.

Overall, my take on the Halloween episode is that most of what I've heard fits. However, this entire plotline of Dawn getting involved with vampires doesn't sit well with me. What bothers me the most is that even though Dawn has only been around for a year, she does have years of manufactured memories. She has memories of both sides of Angel, she's seen both sides of Spike. Now if she's unaware that Justin is a vampire, then it works. But if she's still interested once she finds out, somehow I don't entirely buy that. Plus, I think Buffy and Dawn has this conversation already in 'Crush'. At this point, I'm really hesitant to even give it a 'possible'.

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