September 01, 2001

Argh! Nothing is more irritating

Argh! Nothing is more irritating than coming home expecting to find a copy of Entertainment Weekly with SMG on the cover in the mailbox, and instead I find Dr. Dobb's Journal (featuring C++ Programming on the cover). Not that I don't excited over a new issue of DDJ, it's just programming magazines can sometimes be a bit on the dry side. Maybe it's a sign that I should do a bit of site redesign that I was thinking about this evening. Nothing major, but I'm thinking of playing with the table layout for The Spoiler Slayer. Hopefully making it a bit easier to parse. Sorry, geeked out there for a second.

No other news tonight, but I just wanted to remind anybody who is interested in linking this page, that it's much easier to get here now.


will take you immediately to those respective pages. You can also cheat a bit and leave off the www. and it will still work.

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