August 31, 2001

More script tidbits from 'Flooded'

More script tidbits from 'Flooded' showed up this morning on Here is the link to the actual thread, or you can check out the following summary.

First scene has Buffy, Dawn, Willow and Tara in the kitchen of the house, discussing the flood in the basement. Brief discussion about Dawn not eating breakfast, then Xander and his friend, Tito (who's a plumber) come upstairs from the basement. Tito gives Buffy the bill, all the pipes need to be replaced, then Willow tells Buffy that there are other financial matters. Second scene is in the living room. The table is piled with bills, which have been piling up. Joyce's life insurance went to pay her medical bills, and Anya give Buffy a lesson in homeownership. She suggests the simple solution is that Buffy should get paid for her services, to which Dawn replies that you can't charge innocent people for saving their lives (Obviously, Anya is from the Cordelia school of management). Xander isn't supportive, so Anya stomps off with Xander going after her.

Next scene is Xander/Anya in the street, where the couple is obviously having issues. Anya's big problem is that Xander hasn't told anyone (or will let her) that they are engaged. Xander explains that it's a big step. They start to make up, but Anya realizes that Xander is stalling, and goes off telling him to 'grow up'. Brief scene detailing Buffy's attempt to get a home loan.

Next tidbit is our intrepid band of sorcerers. All you can really pick up is that they have weapons, they have action figures, and they have the van (with periscope). Their plans don't seem to involve Buffy, they're only worried that sooner or later the Slayer is going to come after them (because they'll eventually bump into her or raise her suspicions?). The last bit is pretty much what was released before (Spike/Buffy on the porch), with a brief scene at the end with Giles and Dawn.

How accurate are these tidbits. The only thing I can really judge is that the poster, Jen, has a very good reputation with the board and is an active poster. Also, the scripting is very much what I would expect from a Buffy episode. One clue that I look for, and why the false script failed so badly, is how the actual pacing will work. To determine this, you actually need to act out the scene, which makes it a good thing that I got to the office before anyone else. There are a few other things I look for, but I'm not going to make it easy for the false spoilers out there ;D All I can say is, that if these aren't bits from the real script, the person who did them is extremely good.

Unfortunately there is nothing really new in the way of spoilers, but I will be adding the spoiler that Xander and Anya are keeping the engagement secret to the Spoiler Slayer. I'm also going to list this as likely, mainly because we know there will be tension, this is the easiest way to generate some. Add the fact that they probably didn't announce want to announce it in the aftermath of Buffy's death, and it seems like a very logical plotpoint.

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