August 30, 2001

Remember how I was talking

Remember how I was talking about how confusing everything was, well here is a good example. I didn't realize until I looked at my list that I had actually mapped out seven episodes, so scratch the mention that I was going to keep the space. The problem is now that episode four and five have plots that are very much alike. 'Flooded' is supposed to deal with house issues, while 'Life Serial' deals with Buffy issues. Both have been rumored to be where Jonathan and the Troika show up, so it's getting hard to keep those two episodes straight. My thought now is that what I felt was going to happen, is actually happening. The Troika were supposed to appear in episode four, but their storyline has been shifted to the added episode, which will now be episode five. I think I'm just going to try my best to place the spoilers with their respective episodes, and hope for the best.

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