August 28, 2001

Very interesting news for the

Very interesting news for the site today, and that's in addition to the latest mention (I think I'm going to have to start a press page). Although Wanda didn't mention the site by name, she did answer a question posed about her and Herc's (Aint It Cool News) records when it comes to spoilers.

From nightspirit: Are you and Hercules (from Ain't It Cool News) having a tussle over who has all the correct Buffy news? And how do you feel about the Spoiler Slayer keeping track of your hits and misses?

Actually, Hercie-babe and I worked out our differences over a couple of tartinis last week. And, I must say, that strapping Herc certainly lives up to his name. Yeow.

Which is kind of cool and I swear I had absolutely nothing to do with the plug. I've got more than enough to do and promotion has never been my big thing. But a big Thank You goes out to Nightspirit for asking (even though she kind of evaded the question).

The big news is that there are now two alternate and much easier ways to get to the site. The addresses are still propagating, so they might not work immediately. Within the next 24 hours, getting to the site should be as easy as typing...


You don't need to update your links, as the old address will work just fine. With all the extra traffic, I figured that I should both stake my claim on those names and make it a bit easier to get here. Enjoy.

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