August 27, 2001

No real updates for today,

No real updates for today, looks like most of the spoilers broke over the weekend. In addition, there are several spoiler sites that haven't come back from the summer break yet, so the sources are few and far between. However, Wanda has a chat tonight, so maybe there will be some updates later this evening or early tomorrow morning. I'd also like to thank everyone for the e-mails and comments that they've sent/posted so far. It's a little mindboggling how many visitors I've had over the weekend (and you can see a picture of that at the Journal.

I've also received a few questions about my preferences, if I'm a shipper, etc. To be honest, I don't have any real preference for how the show or characters relate to one another. I'm not going to worry about whether or not a certain character is getting enough screen-time/storylines, or who hooks up with who. If anything, I'm probably in the Buffy/Angel camp, since I've got a soft spot for True Love stories (which if you're into anime, Kimagure Orange Road or Maison Ikkoku are good examples of those kinds of stories). That isn't to say that I would get upset if there were a Buffy/Spike relationship in the future, at least I like him more than I liked Riley. The point with the site is that I'm trying to stayed detached enough that I can look at things logically, which is probably the best way to do it when it comes to spoilers.

Then again, if you had told me halfway through Season Five that Buffy would die at the end, I would have rated that spoiler as "Highly Unlikely". Even after reading the livefeed the day the finale aired, I was half-convinced that it was still false or incorrect. Part of it was the fact that I couldn't believe that Wanda had actually been allowed to let slip what would happen in the finale, the other part was that I didn't like the way it ended. But good or bad, it's still Buffy, so I won't complain that much.

Before I go, I want to spread the wealth a bit, and point all the new visitors to a couple of sites I really enjoy (and one that I'm pretty much a regular on, and which kind of led to the creation of the site for "The Buffy Formula").

Buffy Cross and Stake - My home away from home and the first stop on the spoiler trail. I post pretty frequently on the messageboards once the season gets rolling, letting everyone know when I've updated the Buffy Formula and what I thought of the latest episode. Some of that will move over here now, but I'll still be posting over there. While not completely serious all the time, it is one of the best places to do serious analysis of themes, episodes, and spoilers with a great group of people. Although we might not always be right, we always have a fun time discussing it.

Bloody Awful Poet Society - This is, as expected, a pro-Spike site. It has a great layout and lots of interesting tidbits. Wendy, who handles the spoiler section there, is also a frequent poster over at the Cross and Stake and always has great things to say.

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