August 25, 2001

I'm starting to get a

I'm starting to get a lot of collateral hits, as the site is now showing up on other messageboards. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

One of the things that I'm trying to do with the Spoiler Slayer, is not focus on every spoiler that I come across during my surfing. There are numerous reasons for that. First, I take a look at where I found the spoiler. Something that is coming from AICN or Wanda, I will definitely post immediately. The same holds true for shooting location reports (which have been relatively accurate in the past) or other sources which have a high reliability. Likewise, any spoiler posted on another spoiler page, I will try to address in some manner. It will be in a roundabout manner, I'm trying to retain the site's anonymity (unless the site tells me otherwise). Some of them might not appreciate the fact that their track record for spoilers is less than stellar.

The nice thing about the Whiteboard, is that I can talk about spoilers that are just beginning to make the rounds, but haven't been commented on by any major site yet. Usually this will be newsgroup or messageboard spoilers. Which allows me to segue right into a further report made on the Kitten Messageboard (and a note to anyone who might be posting spoilers elsewhere, if you want credit, let me know and I will happily give it).

AutumnT (who asks that we give her credit) reported further information on Episode Five. She says...

Episode #5 is called "Life Serial"

It seems to be an episode where Buffy is trying to get back into the swing of things. She tries going back to college, working construction with Xander's male chauvenist pig construction crew, selling at the Magic Box, and even goes out and gets drunk with Spike.

Meanwhile time is reacting oddly for her jumping and looping.

Tara is in the episode (even taking an art appreciation class with Buffy). Jonathan and Warren are also in the episode following Buffy around with someone named Andrew. This is also one of the episodes Giles is in.

Sounds like it's going to be Take Buffy To Work Day

She also further comments on the Troika, saying that the group of sorcerers is actually all men. Warren, Jonathan are listed, which leaves us with a third. I'm wondering if Michael (Season Three: Gingerbread) will be making a return as well. If Amy isn't part of the group, maybe they are the ones who de-rat her? Might we also see Ethan in the mix as a mentor? Many interesting possibilities with this story arc.

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