July 09, 2003

Finale Spoilers Already

From beginning to end in just a week. Just started covering 'Dead Like Me', and already it appears that info on the finale is trickling in. The title is likely to be 'Rest In Peace' and I have a few other tidbits as well. So I'm going to cover what little info that I have on the final run of episodes for now, and as mentioned earlier I'm still trying to dig up info on the more recent ones.

This info is a bit sketchy and very subject to change, I would rank all of these as 'Possible' leaning towards 'Likely'. (Note: numbering may or may not be correct, depending on how you count the Pilot was either Episode 1, or Episode 1 was 'Dead Girl Walking')

Business Unfinished - Episode 9

An older woman is 'reaped', but has valuable business information that she wants to pass along to her son, so he can retain control of the company. The Reapers (George, Mason, and Daisy) concoct various ways, including a seance, so they can pass along this info. The mother, Mary Beth, won't move on until she's done this.

The Bicycle Thief - Episode 10

Lots of storylines in this one, but the main one appears to revolve around George getting a full-time job, apparently to buy a bicycle (a Cannondale - and how much does it suck that this is the second year in the row with no Cipollini in the Tour de France). She finds a job that pays well and most of the episode is devoted to her going-away party at Happy Time. We meet a number of the staff, including a young girl who's happiness is chemically-induced. In the end, George's new job doesn't end up to be all that it's cracked up to be, as her new boss has taken digital communications to a new level (he does everything via Instant Messenger - everything).

Meanwhile, Daisy reaps a young artist, who refuses to move on (known in the business as a 'straggler'), while Mason goes to reap an older same-sex couple and perhaps gets more involved than he would normally in their deaths.

Nighthawks - Episode 11

Not much on this one, other than it appears to be time for annual evaluations for the Reapers. It appears to take place completely at night, and one scene has Rube 'reaping' George's milkman.

Vacation - Episode 12

Not much for this one either, other than it appears that after the evaluations, Rube decides it's time for some fun, and the Reapers take the day off

Rest In Peace - Episode 13 (Finale)

George goes back to Happy Time to get her job back, but Delores is not open to this at all. That is, until her cat ends up getting very sick. George goes with Delores to the vet, where we discover that it's not just humans who get reaped (I believe the cat will be alright, but George meets a rather young reaper). Meanwhile, Rube seems to accidentally reap his yoga instructor, and Daisy seems to be coaching Mason on how pick up women (it would appear that he may be a virgin). It looks like the first season of the series will end at George's grave, at the service where her headstone is placed.

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