August 07, 2003

Spike's Return

A summary has surfaced for 'Conviction'.

Read on for some of the tidbits from the full summary, including how Spike returns. Most of the spoilage does fit what we've seen so far for "Conviction". The main new stuff can be boiled down to info on Harmony and Spike.

Harmony, it turns out, has been hired by Wesley to work for Wolfram and Hart.

Spike, shows up in the final scene. Angel receives an envelope early on in the episode, at the end of the episode he opens it and the amulet falls out. Then Spike, on fire and in pain, appears.

Overall, I think this is pretty valid. There are a few bits here and there that don't match info that I've heard, but then again it could be changes that have been made during filming. For example, it indicates that Angel actually kills Hauser with a shotgun. In my version, Hauser is about to shot Angel with a shotgun, and Angel pulls a move which essentially causes Hauser to shoot himself. A few other tweaks here and there, mainly in timing of scenes, but otherwise it matches all the previous info.

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