October 29, 2003

ATS: Wildfeeds, More On Seven

Wildfeeds are up for 'Life of The Party'

Herc's Review
Angel's Acolyte

While info is very scarce for Episode Seven: Lineage, I have received some info from one of my newer sources. Most of it has been backed up by media descriptions, but it does have new info on Wesley and his father.
Angel 5.7: Lineage

In this episode, there is an outside faction trying to get access to the Wolfram and Hart vaults. They are after info on a talisman (perhaps Spike's amulet). They send in a team of robot/human assassins (who I think are the same ones that attack Wesley and Fred early in the episode), to do their dirty work. There will be a climatic battle, where Wesley will end up killing his father. Or so he thinks, turns out there may be more to his father than 'meets the eye'.

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