ATS: Soul Purpose Summary
This represents a brief summary of Angel: Soul Purpose (Episode 10). It will be updated as new articles or info is posted. More detailed and complete information can be found in the original articles or additional sources.
Written by: Brent Fletcher
Directed by: David Boreanaz
In this episode, Angel is plagued by nightmares induced by a parasite that has been implanted on him. Meanwhile, Spike is approached by Lindsey in a bar. Lindsey is either pretending to be Doyle, or acting like Doyle, trying to convince Spike to pick up the mantle of Champion.
As Lindsey leads Spike to various people who need his help (reminiscent of when Angel first came to Los Angeles), Angel's nightmares focus on Spike becoming the true champion, while Angel is pushed to the sidelines or attacked by members of his crew. The nightmares include references to the Shanshu Prophecy, where Spike is made human in Angel's dreams after saving the world.
In reality, the parasite has been planted by Eve and Lindsey. Lindsey is trying to distract Spike, while Eve takes care of Angel. The others are beginning to be worried about Angel. He awakens long enough to find the parasite, but Eve is there to plant another one on him.
In the end, Spike arrives and rescues Angel. Eve tries to pass of Angel's memories of her planting the parasite as part of the nightmares, but Angel refuses to believe this. He wonders why the Senior Partners would want him dead, and realizes that Eve has plans of her own.
Official Descriptions
The WB
A mysterious stranger (guest star Christian Kane) approaches Spike (James Marsters) claiming responsibility for recorporealizing him in a mission to guide Spike in supplanting Angel (David Boreanaz) as the new vampire champion. Meanwhile, Angel is racked by intense fever dreams and hallucinations of his worst fears intensifying his worries that he will lose authority to Spike.
TV Guide
As Spike accepts a mysterious stranger's offer to help him become a hero worthy of fulfilling the Shanshu prophecy, an ailing Angel is plagued by increasingly gruesome hallucinations featuring his friends. David Boreanaz directed the episode.
Tivo Guide
A mystery man offers to guide Spike in his quest to overthrow Angel.
Spoiler Slayer Articles
ATS: Episode 10 Info
ATS: Episode 10 Summary
ATS: Sweeps And Spoilers
ATS: Guest Stars
Additional Sources
Hercules (AICN)
Pandora (Mythical Boards)
Thomash (Buffistas)