October 24, 2003

TC: Reunion Summary

This represents a brief summary of Tru Calling: Reunion (Episode 10). It will be updated as new articles or info is posted. More detailed and complete information can be found in the original articles or additional sources.

The victim is Candace, and she is found murdered in the school's swimming pool on the night of the Tru's High School reunion. Tru and Luc, Lindsay and Harrison all attend the reunion. Tru runs into some old friends, and her favorite teacher, Mr. Connor. At some point Candace is killed and the day resets

Tru then goes to see Candace at her apartment, to ask her to stay away from the reunion. Candace is having none of it, especially since she just completed a book on her high school days that she feels will be a best-seller. That evening, the reset seems to be a bit different than before. Tru begins to suspect that the killer is another H.S. friend, Judy. Especially since Judy was swim team captain, and Candace is found dead in the pool.

While looking for Judy and Candace, Tru finds Mr. Connor in his classroom grading papers. Mr. Connor agrees to help look for the pair. While this is happening, we flashback on previous events, which reveal that Mr. Connor is not only a very unsuccessful writer, but that he's proofing Candace's manuscript.

Tru discovers him and Candace at the pool, where Mr. Connor is about to kill Candace for her novel. Tru saves her in the nick of time, and promises not to go to the police, as long as Mr. Connor resigns the next day.

Official Descriptions


When Tru reluctantly attends her five-year high school reunion with Lindsay, she finds the most popular girl in school (who just happened to steal her prom date)dead in the swimming pool. To keep her safe when the day rewinds, Tru gets close enough to her high school nemesis to learn that more than one of their classmates may have had it in for her in the episode "Reunion" Thursday, Jan. 22 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.

TV Guide

Intrigue at a high-school reunion entangles Tru, seeking to undo a mysterious murder: the slaying of a sexy, arrogant alumna (Jodi Lyn O'Keefe) who was once Tru's closest friend but betrayed her trust five years ago.

Tivo Guide

Tru attends her high-school reunion and find the most popular girl from school dead in a swimming pool.

Spoiler Slayer Articles

TC: Episode 10 Info
ATS/DLM/TC: News Wrap 1/17

Additional Sources

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