February 07, 2004

Site News: Updating Complete

For now...

I've totally reworked the Spoiler Summary pages, including adding new pages for both 'Dead Like Me' Season Two and 'Wonderfalls' Season One. There is a chance that a thing or two may have been broken in the process, so if you do run across any issues, please let me know.

I've also received a report that the 'Recent Entries' on the sidebar are not working correctly, and may send you to Amazon.com. If anyone else is experiencing this, please let me know.

I've also added RSS 1.0 and 2.0 feeds for the 'News From Around The Web' portion. They can be found at www.spoilerslayer.com/news/index.rdf and www.spoilerslayer.com/news/index.xml.

I'm very interested in your feedback on the changes or if you run into any issues. Just drop me a line at feedback@tensdomain.com.

©2001 - 2004
Ten's Domain

"Buffy The Vampire Slayer", "Angel", and "Wonderfalls" are TM and © (or copyright) to Fox and its related entities. "Dead Like Me" is TM and © (or copyright) to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of these materials in any form is expressly prohibited. This web site, its operator and any content on this site relating these shows is not authorized by the studios or their representatives. Product and other images on this site are provided by Amazon.com, through their affiliate program. They are not intended to, nor represent a "Passing Off" of said copyrights. Any other shows or sites mentioned are TM and © (or copyright) of their respective owners.