February 07, 2004

WF: Episode Info - Part One

I've gotten some more info on 'Wonderfalls', which I'll pass along over the next few days. I'm not sure which order these episodes will air, and a lot of the information is sketchy at this time. Fox has ordered a full 13 episodes, but they've only committed to air 7, so I can't even guarantee that these will make it to air.

But from what I've been seeing, this is going to be one great show. It deserves to make it.
Wonderfalls: (Unknown Episode Number/Title)

A young woman, Katya, arrives in town and sits waiting by the 'Maid Of The Mist' fountain all day. She's waiting for someone to meet her, but as the night falls, nobody has come for her.

Jaye and Eric discover that Katya is a Russian mail-order bride, who has come to Niagara Falls to meet her husband, Peter. After a bit of confusion, they take Katya to her husband's house. When they ring the bell, the door is answered by a teenaged boy. It turns out that this is Peter.

Peter is thrilled to see Katya, who is not thrilled to meet him. She figures there must be some kind of mistake. But there isn't, Peter used his dad's credit card to pay for Katya, and he got grounded (which is why he didn't meet her at the fountain). Peter professes his desire to marry Katya, she freaks and Jaye and Eric have to take her back to Jaye's trailer.

There, they try to calm Katya down, but aren't having much luck. She does make references to Jaye and Eric being a couple, which Jaye denies a bit too much, which doesn't make Eric happy. Just as things couldn't get any worse, Peter shows up and they do.

That is, until he decides that Jaye is a much better prospect than Katya. He begins to pretty much stalk Jaye, and even tries to frame Eric (since he thinks Eric is Jaye's boyfriend).

An exasperated Jaye drives Peter to his father's construction office. She wants him to talk to his father, but he refuses to go inside. Jaye goes in by herself to meet with Richard. She tells him that Eric really didn't beat his son up, Peter was lying. She tries to discuss the problems that Peter is having, but he doesn't really seem to care. Jaye's about to go talk to Peter's mom, until his father tells her that she died. Which makes Jaye even more convinced that Richard needs to talk to him. He continues to blow her off, until she explains what Peter has been up to. Specifically, that Peter's Russian bride is living in her trailer. Jaye leaves to let this sink in, only to find that Peter has taken off without her.

Eric receives a message that Jaye wants to meet him at a cabin, only to discover that Peter is lying in wait with a baseball bat. His attempt to brain Eric fails, and Peter quickly capitulates. Eric is sympathetic to his passion for Jaye, but it's useless. Nobody will ever get close to her if she won't let them in.

Later, Richard tries to convince Katya to return to Russia. He offers to pay her way, and pay her off at the same time. This ticks Katya off, as she feels the father is just as bad as the son. Because he doesn't pay attention to Peter, this is why he's gotten so bad. He needs his father's love, which is obvious from the tortured soul that she sees in his poetry. It was the passion in his poetry that convinced Katya to travel her to marry him, these are the poems that won her heart.

Richard is disbelieving, until Katya shows him the poetry. She starts reciting one, and he finishes it. She's surprised that he read Peter's poetry, but that's the catch, it's not his poetry. Richard wrote it to his wife, years earlier. Peter stole them and passed them off as his own. As both realize this fact, there's sparkage and a happy ending for the couple.

As the episode ends, Eric and Peter sit on the porch of the cabin and discuss the 'enigma' that is Jaye.
Unfortunately, I don't know how the 'talking tchotchke' will come into play in this episode. In fact, it almost seems that this one is more about Jaye and Eric doing something on their own, instead of Jaye being prodded into doing things by the souvenirs.

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