February 11, 2004

ATS: Episode 16 and 17 Cast

Pandora at the 'Mythical Boards' has posted casting summaries for Angel Episode 16 and 17. This does lay to rest the Julie Benz rumor, as someone else entirely has been cast in the role of 'Trish'. The big news, is that Adam Baldwin (Firefly) has been signed to play the role of Hamilton. (Note: Registration Required to read)

Episode 16 Cast and Crew
Episode 17 Cast and Crew

I should note that this does answer the question about whether the info we were seeing for 17, was actually for 16. As I mentioned earlier, I wasn't sure because the info for 'A Hole In The World' (5.15) came through as being for episode 16. Plus, though it would be tight, they could have fit the info we had into one episode.

Now that it's confirmed that this isn't the case, it means that there would be large gaps in our info for 'Shells'. Aside from the fight at Wolfram and Hart, everything else is sketchy.

Though most interesting. No info on who the 'old friend from Sunnydale' will be.

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