February 12, 2004

ATS: Old Friends And Enemies

Some hint of Angel: Episode 18 has arrived, and it contains what can only be considered to be major news. One of the big questions is about to be answered, one which has ties going all the way back to Season 3. Read on to discover who returns in Episode 18.
Angel: Episode 18

In the offices of Wolfram and Hart, Wesley is looking for information on Cyrus Vail.

Vail is actually a very old and wise demon sorcerer (think Lo Pan - 'Big Trouble In Little China'). He's just received a visit from a very angry Angel, who just killed all of his guards. Angel thought Vail was trying to kill Connor, which wasn't the case. Vail needed Connor to know who he was. Angel doesn't understand how Vail knows about Connor, and we discover that Vail helped set up Connor's dream-life scenario.

Wesley discovers that Vail pulled together mystical resources and sorcerers from around California, to cast an extremely powerful spell the day Angel Investigations signed the deal with Wolfram and Hart.

Angel is learning why, as Vail fills him in on the details of the fantasy life they built for Connor. The truth is, Vail needs Angel's help. He needs someone killed, another familiar name from the past, Sahjahn.

Angel figures this shouldn't be a problem, as he's still where Angel left him back in Season 3, in the Resikhian Urn. Which Vail just happens to have. Angel wants to leave him there, but Vail realizes correctly that he would still be a threat. Urns are breakable.

He gives Angel some extra incentive. Either he'll help Vail, or Vail will use another spell to remove Connor's false memories. Angel reluctantly agrees to kill Sahjahn.

But there's a slight catch-22 involved. The prophecy foretelling Sahjahn's death, describes the only person who can kill him. Connor. Vail gave him the perfect life, and now Angel has to take it away from him.
Very interesting information, albeit brief. Connor is definitely back, and I like the fact that they are returning to the Sahjahn storyline. Of course the blackmail he's using, indicates that Angel has to get Connor to kill him without revealing who he is or what Connor is. Unless they are going to remove his false-memories only temporarily. But that's not the most interesting part.

What of Fred/Illyria and Wesley? As we see, Wesley is back at Wolfram and Hart. Which means whatever went down in 'Shells' and episode 17, it appears that everyone has reached some kind of truce. Either that, or Illyria is off somewhere trying to regain her full powers, and Wesley has come back on his own to Wolfram and Hart.

Hopefully, more info will appears shortly.

(Thanks as always, to 'T')

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