February 21, 2004

ATS: Saving Angel Campaigns

The movement to save Angel is growing, and I have to admit has more momentum than I've ever seen for any other show. Requests are still coming in via email to either link to various petitions, or information on where to send postcards, or what else fans can do to let the Networks know that the show deserves a sixth season.

After a great deal of consideration, I have made the decision to acknowledge both the 'Support Angel' and 'Saving Angel' campaigns. For the duration of their campaign, to show my support, I will be replacing two of my own support banners with their banners. I will also include links to their sites on the Home Page.

I realize that there are other sites, campaigns, and petitions out there. Please do not write requesting that I add or mention your site. I have thought long and hard about which sites to support. While I still feel that the chances are admittedly slim, I have received so much email on the subject, I want to provide fans of the show with the sites that I feel have the best chance of affecting the outcome.

Late this week, a group of 'Buffyverse'-related sites banded together in a campaign to keep the show on the air, they are located at 'SavingAngel.com'. The site provides postcards that you can print out and send in, along with addresses to specifically target the best places to send these postcards. In addition, they are putting together a program to place ads in not only Variety, but other publications to spread the word. The sheer number of sites participating is hard to ignore, as they cover almost every aspect of 'Buffyverse'-fandom. The organizers have a proven track record, including the recent 100th episode 'Thank You' ads that appeared in 'The Hollywood Reporter'.

There has also been another site, 'SupportAngel.org', which has been providing information and working towards promoting Angel since March of 2003. Because of their long-term commitment to 'Saving The Show', I feel I would be slighting them if I were to promote only the 'Saving Angel' site. They also have more addresses and ways that you can show your support.

Again, I hope that you will respect and understand my reasons behind this change of heart. My only goal is to provide an outlet for the dozens of emails I receive on a daily basis, looking for suggestions on the best way to support the show. I feel that the information provided by these two sites, will go a long way to answering these questions.

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Ten's Domain

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