February 25, 2004

ATS: Wildfeeds For 'A Hole In The World'

Wildfeeds should be up shortly for the episode, please use the following (and familiar) links for all the spoilerly goodness before the episode airs. There is one change I've heard rumored, that is different from the previous summaries. Read below to find out what. (Updated)

Herc's Review (Ain't It Cool News)

Angel's Acolyte's Preview Dori, in her Spikefeed (which unfortunately is not anywhere I can link to), mentions a significant change in the final scene in England. Angel and Spike are given a choice, Save Fred or cause the death of thousands. In earlier reports, Angel accepted the sacrifice of Fred as necessary. In Dori's Spikefeed, he debates this but ultimately decides 'Screw The World'.

The outcome is the same, as the delay in making the decision cause them to be too late to save her.

While not a huge change, nor anything I would call a false spoiler as it was likely made during shooting, it is an interesting change to say the least.

Updated: After reading Angel Acolytes Preview, it's not as clear what happens. It does appear that Angel may have first decided to go along with the spell, then changed his mind. Hopefully, it will be a bit clearer tonight when I actually see the episode.

Updated Update: Okay, now that is a lot clearer. Angel does start to follow Drogyn to cast the spell, which is when the scene cuts to Wes and Fred. When they cut back, we see that Angel has stopped and turns around. He's chosen the world over Fred.

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