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September 30, 2001AICN has more definite spoilers for 'After Life' and the Halloween episode. A little more detail for 'After Life', but it backs up the Halloween episode summary entirely. In addition, it's becoming very obvious that at least the first half... September 29, 2001Well, the Halloween episode summary certainly is interesting. Much like other recent spoilage, it doesn't add much to what we already know or suspect. There are a few things that we didn't know (details), then there are a few things... I haven't had time to read this completely (or enough to pass judgement), but has what would appear to be a complete episode summary for the Halloween episode. I'm working on determining it's accuracy right now, I'll be back... September 27, 2001Even better than the picture, it looks like we finally might have an official date of release for the Season One DVD's here in the States. Check it out at Amazon.... Another quiet day, except for a picture of the 'Troika' that showed up at Cinescape. Which lets me take care of some more confirmations (both true and false).... September 26, 2001Oops, there was a typo on the Spoiler Slayer page, and I received about 5 emails about it already. The Urn of Osiris spoiled is 'confirmed' not 'confirmed false'. Don't know when or how that happened, but it's been corrected.... I should also mention, because I've gotten tons of mail this morning, I have the ability to read it at work (but I can't reply). For some reason our ISP doesn't let you access other POP3 servers (like the one... As expected, a reviewer's copy ended up in the hands of a fan, and a great spoiler source at that. Reddygirl and Wendy (BAPS) posted a complete synopsis of the first two episodes, with all the gory details. I can... More confirmation on Episode Three - now officially After Life. After Life 60 min. As Buffy adjusts to life after resurrection, a shadowy presence menaces her sidekicks---a side effect of the spell cast by Willow (Alyson Hannigan) to bring the... September 25, 2001Lot of comments and email begging me to spill on my speculation. But I don't want to just yet, I need to actually see a few episodes to make sure. But we're definitely on the same track and I'll pass... More trailers have shown up at UPN, they are pretty short but interesting. Speaking of trailers, and a bit OT, but I really did enjoy the Lords of the Ring trailer last night. I'm pretty much psyched about the movie... Tons to talk about this morning, including my take on the Angel premiere (even though it doesn't specifically have any Buffy spoilage, I'll probably talk about both shows during the season). But first, the major news, we might have pretty... September 24, 2001In other Angel news, Herc over at AICN has posted a review of the premiere. One reason I'm not tracking Angel spoilers here as well, is that in some respects I don't mind being spoiled by Buffy, but would like... In case you've forgotten, Angel will premiere tonight. The wildfeed is out and I would suggest those who don't want to be spoiled to not follow this link. Sounds like a great episode and a surprise ending which, if I... September 22, 2001Now this is strange, I seem to have a spoiler in my notes, but I didn't make mention of where I read it. Supposedly, the Buffy-bot will make advances towards Spike in the premiere and he rejects it. Don't know... September 21, 2001In case you might be interested, Scoop Me has a rundown of the premiere. Nothing that we haven't heard before, but it's a nice breakdown. You'll have to navigate to the Buffy section of the board and it's under spoilers... Jennifer Godwin (Buffy Newswire) wrote to let me know that she talked to Adam Busch (Warren) at one of his gigs. He confirmed that he is signed for 10 episodes. Sadly, that's about all the spoilage I have so far... September 20, 2001Herc over at AICN also echoes my thoughts on Dawn. We may also share a 'wrong on so many levels' passion for Dawn and her leather pants. ;D Just want to take a moment and clarify a bit on the... No new spoilers, so just a few quick notes on the articles from yesterday. The interesting tidbits were that Dru may well return this season, Michelle has been asked about a spinoff or continuation of the show, and more waffling... September 19, 2001Did a little tweaking. You'll now see a listing of my daily rounds on the left-side of the page. Most of them link directly to that sites messageboards. On the actual Spoiler Slayer page, I've incorporated a list of those... Another quick note. Finally I can confirm the title for Episode 1/2. TV Guide information for the first episode of Buffy (and the first two episodes of Angel) is no available. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Bargaining 120 min. Buffy's coterie... Busy day today, so here are a few links to interviews that have some interesting comments. I'll talk more about them later tonight. Zap2It - The Once And Future Buffy - The Vampire They Love To Hate TVGuide Online... September 18, 2001KC over at the Crawford Street Mansion has posted some spoilage on the sites messageboard. Though most of it echoes spoilers already out there, there are some major differences based on what we have heard so far. They basically are...... Wanda had her weekly chat over at E! Online yesterday. Nothing really new, although she echoed the rumor that a major character would die (more on that in a moment). She also discussed the arrival of Amber Tamblyn, which we... September 16, 2001Herc from AICN dropped me a line about the Oz rumor. He wanted to insure that I realized that the Oz tidbit was merely his speculation, and not an actual spoiler (ie: based on sources, scripts, or other indications). As... September 15, 2001More spoilery goodness today, with a location report from the second day of shooting at the Kitten Boards. Again, the report seems to be confirming more of Wendy's tidbits over at Bloody Awful Poet. I have to say that we... September 14, 2001Shooting resumed yesterday, and we have two separate reports from the location. BBOvenGuy posts over at the Kitten Board as well as Janna over at The shoot was Dawn and three friends on the streets during Halloween. The two... September 13, 2001As expected, there has been little in the way of Buffy news this week, which is why there haven't been updates. I've been looking, but talk on the Buffy Boards is still dominated by the news. Hopefully, shooting will begin... September 11, 2001As I said in my earlier post, the boards have been very quiet, and Wanda didn't have any new spoilers. She said that the Buffy-Bot will be shredded by the end of the premiere, which was verified by a shooting... Although Wanda had her usual chat last night, there wasn't much in the way of new spoilers. With everything that is currently going on (I can't get to half of my email due to the traffic at MSN), I think... September 10, 2001Update: Discovered that UPN now has the promo for the Buffy Premiere on the site. I have to give them a lot of credit, they've been getting the promos up pretty fast and presenting them in a variety of formats... September 09, 2001In the process of inserting the new spoilers, I went over some earlier comments that I had made (on older stuff that I hadn't really speculated about here). I cleaned that up, and in the process changed a bunch of... Originally, I was going to discuss the following spoilers here and pretty much ignore them. However, since I saw them on three different sites this morning, I figured that I'd better add them to the Spoiler Slayer page as well.... September 08, 2001If it's the weekend, then it must be a slow time for spoilers. Nothing new to report, Steven DeKnight paid a visit to the Beta Bronze, but didn't spill much. BTW, The Bronze VIP Posting Board Archive is a great... September 07, 2001Quick comment on the reasons for moving the Tara/Willow fight spoilers from Possible to Unlikely. I should have explained my reasoning, but it was something I did as I was updating other parts of the page, and I overlooked it.... I've decided that I'm going to scrap the idea of keeping certain spoiler sites anonymous. Mainly because if I'm going to credit and link the sources here, I may as well do it on the actual page as well. Messageboards... New spoilers on AICN. Herc reports that in the Halloween episode, Dawn will follow in Buffy's footsteps (but not in regards to her Slayer powers). We'll also find out a bit more about why Dawn filched Anya's earrings. More information... September 06, 2001The boards have a report from a location shoot. I'm debating about moving some more spoilers to 'confirmed' or 'nearly confirmed' based on it. I think I'm going to sleep on it. It was the one I mentioned before... Apparently, UPN has begun to run a trailer for the first episode. Since I am UPN-free (DirecTV doesn't carry it yet), I haven't actually seen it. I have seen various transcripts, two of which are available at the Buffy Cross... September 05, 2001Interesting interview with Joss is up at The Onion. Nothing really in the way of spoilers, but some great comments on the characters and change.... Have a busy morning, so just a brief update. AICN has some new bits on Buffy. Herc fills in a few blanks about Spike. He's now reporting the spoiler that Spike's new mode of transport will be a motorcycle. In... September 04, 2001Again, lots of interesting comments stemming from my take on the Buffy/Spike spoilers and the possibility of a Buffy/Xander relationship. I also agree that maybe as a 'walking off into the sunset' farewell, a Buffy/Xander relationship wouldn't be bad. I'm... Slow weekend for spoilers, haven't heard anything new for a while. Though I do want to discuss some comments made about the possibilities of a Buffy and Spike relationship. First, I can agree that Buffy and Spike getting together is... September 03, 2001Just a note, nothing new in the realm of spoilers. Hopefully once the holiday weekend is over, things will get back to normal.... September 01, 2001Since it's a slow spoiler day (and mail day too, since I didn't get my issue of Entertainment Weekly yet), I thought I would take a moment to answer an e-mail question that I've gotten more than a few times... Argh! Nothing is more irritating than coming home expecting to find a copy of Entertainment Weekly with SMG on the cover in the mailbox, and instead I find Dr. Dobb's Journal (featuring C++ Programming on the cover). Not that I... |