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January 31, 2003Waiting For This You guys know how I hate sitting on spoilage, so while I hate not being the first on the block with new spoilage, I'm glad that Edward Haynes at got the news out. In the upcoming... January 29, 2003Loves_6itch Returns Loves_6itch posted yesterday at the Cross and Stake, answering various questions about Episode 15 - 'Get It Done' Willow goes to Buffy's room. Buffy lies in bed, wide awake, Willow comes in and sits at the edge of... January 28, 2003Wanda Wanda's chat archive has been posted, she mentions that Eliza Dushku has been approached about a possible spin-off. Spoiled Rotten Spoiled Rotten has a Location Shoot report that provided by Faith Forever. Today they were filming a daytime location... January 27, 2003Slayer Sunday Since I happen to live in a very Raider-friendly area, I think most were surprised that the SuperBowl wasn't what I was going to be watching yesterday. Well, that's not completely true, I did Tivo it so I... January 25, 2003Still Slow Still very quiet in terms of spoilage, and I can't even do my review and thoughts of 'Potential' because I won't see it until tomorrow night. There are a few tidbits to pass along... Herc has posted a... January 22, 2003Aphrodite Continues... After last night's update, Aphrodite continued to fill in details on 'Get It Done' over at Television Without Pity. The old guys are trying to merge her with a demon cause they are trying to help her --... January 21, 2003Wildfeeds Part Deux Wrapping up from yesterday, still no Leoff but Loey's is up. Loey's Early-Bird Review Aphrodite Returns Aphrodite has broken new spoilage at Television Without Pity for episode 15, 'Get It Done'. SOME EPISODE 15 SPOILAGE: - Episode... January 20, 2003Leoff's Late Imagine my surprise this morning when I went to check out the Wildfeed, only to discover that it had not been posted. Then I realized that Leoff had mentioned that this Wildfeed would be late earlier this month.... January 18, 2003Yada Yada Yada Not much in news, but there's a number of things that I can cover. First, there is a location shoot report that is going around. The shoot was reported to be at the location used for some... January 16, 2003Casting Call I have two bits of casting information to pass along. The first is a small tidbit from one source. Apparently the show was looking for two hispanic females to play Potential SIT's. From what little I do know,... January 15, 2003I'm expecting a bit of server downtime at some point in the very near future, so short update today. And, if you can't get to the site for a while, you'll know why. New Drew Revue Drew Goddard was at... January 14, 2003Wanda Wanda's archive of her weekly chat is up. Not much that hasn't been mentioned already, although she hints once again that who we've been seeing, while not The First, is not really Giles. Your guess is as good as... Follow-Up Before I head onto the news of the day (and this is the first of many warnings, there are Angel spoilers in this update), I did want to touch on some things I mentioned yesterday. I've gotten a great... January 12, 2003Thoughts On 'Showtime' Sadly, as expected, 'Showtime' wasn't as good as I would have hoped. The problem has nothing to do with the episode itself, the only fault is that it's a rehash of the events in 'Bring On The... January 11, 2003It's Just A Jump To The Left Normally I don't do the Weekend Update until Sunday AM, but since new info came out I wanted to get it out sooner. So this weekend, I'll be updating twice (as I still... January 09, 2003Bored Contrary to what will likely be popular belief, the lack of posting is not because I'm secluded with my copy of the Season Three DVD. The good news is that it will actually be arriving today via FedEx, the... January 07, 2003Wildfeeds and Reviews Part II Once again, I've gotten a bit behind (but it was a very busy day at work and it's also Buffy Tuesday), so the final two links are slightly late for the episode. But worth reading... January 06, 2003Wildfeed Recap Part 1 Just two for the moment, as Herc has not posted his review just yet. But Leoff and Dori have both checked in with their recaps. I'm also going to include Stiney's as well. Leoff's Wildfeed Dori's... January 05, 2003Wildfeed Info Still very slow in Spoiler Land, so I don't have any new info to report. I did want to remind everyone that we will have new Buffy this Tuesday, and I've put up the links on the homepage.... January 03, 2003Killing Time Still very slow on the Spoiler Front, though Wanda has posted her thoughts on the possibility of Season Eight at E! Online (my take is that it's still way too early to call) In the meantime, it might... January 02, 2003Slow It's been a very slow week for spoilers, with the exception of a few little tidbits here and there for Episode 14. Which means that I don't really have anything to pass along at this point. I will point... |